Padmaavat actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh commemorated their six-year-long romantic relationship in a traditional Konkani ceremony at Lake Como’s Villa del Balbianello in Italy on Wednesday. Since Deepika is a South Indian and Ranveer is of Sindhi-Punjabi origin, the two families marked to follow wedding ceremony by both rituals. A South Indian wedding planned for November 14, accomplished with Kannada rituals yesterday. The wedding ceremony took place early in the morning at 7am.On 15 November the couple will commemorated their relationship as per the rituals of a North Indian wedding.
Couple wants wedding should be private and to make sure that the photos or videos from their intimate affair do not come out, DeepVeer have paid extra attention to the security around the venue. Visitors have to present a special wrist band while security guards cover up the camera lenses on mobile phones with stickers. The e-invite also bears a QR code to be scanned at the entry. On the lake itself, numerous security boats patrol just outside the perimeter of the property to deter snooping photographers or gossip hunters.
Despite strict security measures, a few pictures and videos from the wedding made their way to social media. There was also a glimpse of the couple dressed in hues of white.Couple’s apparel designed by Sabyasachi Mukherjee.
For Konkani wedding which occurred on Wednesday, Deepika was accoutered a traditional white and gold silk saree by Sabyasachi, while Ranveer has opted to coordinate with his bride in a white outfit. For the Sindhi wedding, Deepika will don a red, heavily embroidered Lehenga while Ranveer will wear a Kanjivaram sherwani.
As per the guest list the couple decided only closes friends and family will attend the wedding. Squad of 30- 40 guests stood around the railings of the Villa del Balbianello, guarding the couple.Other than their family and close friends, the Padmaavat stars invited four people from the film industry to their Italian wedding. “Given her intense bond with Shah Rukh Khan and Farah Khan who had launched her in Bollywood, Deepika was certain that she wants them by her side on her favorable day. Their mentor Aditya Chopra and Sanjay Leela Bhansali also attended Italian wedding.
The wedding will be followed by two receptions.
The first reception will be held on November 21 at The Leela Palace Hotel in Bangalore. Deepika Padukone’s parents have booked the Leela Palace’s ballroom for the occasion. Close friends and extended family members will be invited for this event. The second reception will be held on December 1 at the Grand Hyatt in Mumbai. Film industry members and Bollywood superstars will be invited for this event.
Engagement Ceremony that befall on November 13, Ranveer went down on his knees when he put the ring on her finger. It was also revealed that Deepika got very emotional and could even be seen shedding a few tears of pure joy. This is true love.