Categories: MOMS TO BE

Month On Month Baby’s Development In Mother’s Womb

New parents get excited after listening and see the step and development in their baby and even sometimes they love to record them as the memory. The Child’s paediatrician will also ask you a few questions regarding the development of the child.

Paediatrician helps you to guide the child’s proper development. Each child is different from other some children learn things quickly while some learn later. Don’t take stress if your child is learning the things slowly because our research shows that the child who Learns the things slowly gets very intelligent in teenage.

Today we are here to tell you about the monthly development of the child

First-Month Development: A lot of things are going into the tiny body of your baby other than eating, popping, and
sleeping at this moment. In the first month of the baby learn the following things:

1. Focusing the object from 12 feet
2. Get familiar with your voice
3. Able to bring hands and fist towards your mouth
4. Give a response to bright light by shutting the eyes
5. Learn the language for communication that is crying

Second-Month Development: By the second month your baby becomes more active and makes different sounds. You can see
the following changes inside a baby:

1. Table to move their body
2. Try to track your movements with eyes although it is not coordinated
3. Hearing is almost developed
4. Holding hands and pushing themselves back by their hands on their tummy

Third-Month Development: By the third month your baby is becoming independent. You may see the following changes of
the baby during the third month:

1. Trying to grasp the toys
2. Getting very familiar to your voice and face
3. Put their hands in the mouth with more precision
4. Tries to recognise the familiar faces and sounds
5. Making more different sounds like ooh, aah, etc

Fourth-Month Development: At this time your baby is doing things more consistently and perfectly. You can see the
following things in your baby at this time:

1. Holding things properly and trying to shake them
2. Start rolling from tummy to back
3. Teething can begin
4. See things from a higher distance

Fifth-Month Development: Your baby is constantly growing and exploring new things that even you love to watch. You
may notice the following changes in your baby during the fifth month:

1. Try to sit with support
2. Grab their feet and put them in the mouth
3. Move the object from one place to another
4. Your baby is no ready for some solid foods

Sixth-Month Development: This month your baby is half a year. You may notice several changes inside your baby from
the day he born than now and now he is ready for the following things:

1. Sit without support
2. Trying to get things away from him
3. Cries or gets angry when you stop playing with him
4. Recognise their name
5. Start talking in their own language like oooo, eeee, mmmmm, etc

Your baby is now 6 months old and he is getting more active day by day and recognising many different things. You can celebrate half-year birthday of your baby for the memories.

These are some development which you can see in your baby although there is a possibility that your baby learns things either faster or maybe slow but, there is no need to take the stress. Each baby is different on his own. Just consult your paediatrician they will guide you much better.

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