Categories: HEALTH & FITNESS

Issues faced by women and their therapies

Women have traditionally been the nurturing anchor at home and hence, define herself in role. Many women need to be able to explore their thoughts and feeling in order to understand what they want. Women’s are sometimes sensible and emotional, hence, women face a unique set of mental health challenges. Deciding to seek therapy can be an essential first step in healing that women should feel proud of. Women’s issue can significantly impact the daily lives and over all well being of women. The most important consideration for a woman is to make is whether she feels comfortable with the therapist before beginning the treatment.

There are many issues woman face in their whole lifespan, and while each woman is different, and thus may struggle with different issues, some of the most common:

Hormonal changes: Every woman experiences hormonal changes throughout her life, which includes both mental and physical problems. The most significant that woman experience are puberty, pregnancy, postpartum period and menopause. The emotional changes that occur with hormonal changes leave many woman susceptible to anxiety and depression.

Infertility: Infertility is the bad experience with the woman, who are trying to get pregnant. Woman assume that they may be able to get pregnant when they are ready, yet this is not true, which result in feeling of despair, hopelessness and blame. Infertility is caused due to increasing age, smoking, overweight, alcohol or irregular periods.

Depression: As woman, you have many life roles, mother, wife, friend, employees the list go on. The complexity of all these roles can cause ups and downs throughout life. More than just feeling sad, depression is a chronic illness that can plague a woman for some particular time or ongoing for her entire life. Depression has many physical and emotional symptoms, and in severe case, woman can experience suicidal thoughts. Some signs of depression are feeling hopeless and alone, lack of sleep or too much sleep, irritability and overall sadness that permits no matter what a person do.

Anxiety: People with anxiety disorders frequently have intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about daily situations. Women who suffer from anxiety disorders can find carrying out even the simplest daily tasks to be overwhelming a d spent most of their days in the state of stress and panic. The most common anxiety symptoms are obsessive thoughts, racing heart, difficult in breathing and sleeping problems

Postpartum Depression: Postpartum depression occur after child birth. It can being immediately following birth or can take some time to present develop. Sometimes it may subside in some weeks or sometime woman as to struggle for years. The common cause of Postpartum Depression are loss of appetite, low energy irritability, anxiety, lack of bonding with baby and sleeplessness.

Sexual abuse: Sexual abuse also referred as molestation, is abusive sexual behaviour by one person to another. It can take many forms, from sexual harassment to rape, but the underlying thread is that the abuser exerts the power over the victim through unwanted sexual acts. Women who have suffered from sexual abuse often blame themselves, rationalising the abuse as their fault for dressing a certain way, for drinking too much etc.


Many woman survivors develop mental, emotional and physical health condition that runs deeper than what’s considered to be normal. Therapy pairs woman with an experienced profession can assist them incoming to terms , with their unique issues and help them seek the treatment they need to improve their health and mental well being. A treatment plan for any mental health concern typically consists of talk therapy and meditation.

Psychotherapy: Mental disorder compromises broad range of mental illness which include depression, anxiety, abnormal thoughts and so on. Psychotherapy is essentially talk therapy or counselling. The goal of talk therapy is allowing woman to understand their underlying issue and give them strategies for changing their behaviours or dealing with painful experiences. Psychotherapy may takes place with psychologist, psychiatrist or any other mental health professional.

Behavioural Therapy: The most common behaviour therapy is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. It help client to replace those thoughts with more neutral or positive ones and learn to change them to be more positive and realistic.

Meditation: Depending on the issue the person is treat by psychiatric meditations. There different classes of psychiatrist meditation which include depression, anxiety etc.. It is vital to work with doctor or psychiatrist to find the meditation, that is best fit.

Alternative Therapies: There are many types of alternate therapies that can be helpful for different issues and give excellent results. Some are mindfulness and meditation, diet and exercise, creative/art therapy and social supports group.

When looking for a therapist, it important to choose an individual whom you feel comfortable to share and build a trusting relationship.

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