Categories: SKINCARE

How To Choose The Right Moisturizer

A drop of moisturizer a day can keep skin problems at bay. But, not using the right moisturizer can make your skin more prone to breakouts and other issues. You probably go to the store and grab any moisturizer you find, right? Some girls even fall for the beautiful packaging. And, when they come home and use it, they realize it was a waste of money.

You must have used (and rejected) hundreds of moisturizers in your life. But, have you ever wondered whether the problem was with the moisturizer or your skin type? It’s a no brainer that different moisturizers suit different skin types. You cannot pick up whatever you wish and slather it all over your face. Do you know what would happen if you do that? Your face would be covered in acne, breakouts, pimples, and what not!

But, before you lose faith in moisturizers, remember that using the right moisturizer can magically transform your face. It will make your skin smooth, supple, and bright. Don’t bang your head about it. We’ve made it simple for you.

1. What Is Your Skin Type ?

Oily: Go for an oil-free moisturizer with non-comedogenic properties. People with oily skin sweat a lot so try to find a moisturizer that feels light.

Normal: You have naturally balanced skin so go for a light moisturizer. You can even experiment with the fragrance.

Dry: You need to worship the moisturizer. Dry skin gets stretchy and cracks easily so, invest in a heavy moisturizer. Look for ingredients like Shea butter, cocoa butter, glycerin, and petroleum. Apply moisturizer religiously on your skin to keep it hydrated.

Sensitive: Certain ingredients in moisturizers can cause allergic reactions on sensitive skin. Read the label carefully and go for the one that says ‘hypoallergenic’.

2. When Do You Moisturize ?

Some people moisturize at night while others do it during the day. Your beauty routine will decide which moisturizer would be best for you.

At night: If your skincare routine is based during the night, you need to go for retinol-based moisturizers. Retinol is a potent skin-proliferator and generates new skin cells while you sleep.

During the day: Use an SPF-based moisturizer. In short, look for creams that have sunscreen in them. Also, avoid retinol-based creams during the day as they might darken your face.

3. How Old Are You?

Age is a significant factor when it comes to deciding the right type of moisturizer. Your skin changes as you age. So, the moisturizer for a 20-year-old won’t be suitable for a woman aged 50.

20’s: This is the right age to start preparing your skin for the future. Use a sunscreen-based moisturizer to prevent wrinkles from an early age.

30’s: You must be witnessing early signs of aging. Choose a moisturizer that has rich ingredients to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

50’s and above: Look for deeply moisturizing lotions and creams with anti-blemish ingredients.

SO, now you can confidently buy the right moisturizer for your skin. Follow a rigorous skincare routine to get the beautiful and glowing skin you had always wanted.

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