Categories: MOTIVATION

10 Things You Need To Know To Have A “No Limits Mindset”

The foundation of the No Limit’s Mindset is pretty simple, but trying to apply them to your life on a daily basis can be very challenging.

The world we live in today isn’t really open to this mindset and it takes a special kind of person who is willing to look inside of themselves and take responsibility for themselves and their choices to live this life.

That person also has to be willing to step outside of the predefined box and be willing to start thinking and looking at things in different ways than most people in our society look at things today.

Are you this special kind of person?

Do you wish to be a lone Lion who stands out amongst the sheep of this world?

Below is the list of 10 things you need to know to have a no limits mindset :

1. “Rules” are for the people who made them

In life there are three types of people when it comes to rules.

Rule Makers – These people make and set the rules for everyone else to follow.

Rule Breakers – These are people who live to break every rule that has ever been made.

Rule Changers – These are the people who understand the rules, but know there has to be a better way to do things and they strive hard to find a better way of doing things to change the rules.

Which type of “Rule” person are You?

2. The only thing holding you back from anything is “You”

There are those people in this world who will always lay blame for every wrong in their life at the feet of something or someone else, but let’s face it “You” are the problem.

I’m not here to sugar coat things or to try and make you feel good about yourself. If you want something in life Go Get It!!

Don’t wait for someone or something to hand it to you, because you know what… That’s never going to happen.

If you want to know what it takes to be successful, be a billionaire, be famous, have a loving family, go on an exotic vacation, own your own business, or live a life filled with happiness all you ever have to do is look in the mirror and there is the person who can and will make that happen for you.

So quit telling yourself that you “can’t” do this or that, and instead of saying “can’t” tell yourself “Who’s Going To Stop Me”? Nobody is going to make your dreams become a reality, because it’s your dream.

So if you want it, quit making excuse and “Go Get It”.

“Only you can hold yourself back. Only you can stand in your own way. Only you can help yourself.” – Mikhail Strabo

3. When you get knocked down (as we all do) get right back up and say is that all you’ve got

Life is going to knock you down. Life isn’t going to be easy for you. You are going to have trial and tribulations in your life. So don’t complain about it, get used to that thought right now and accept it.

You can either let that pull you down and kill you on the inside and be a victim, or you can let that motivate you, make you stronger, and give you the intestinal fortitude you need to survive and win against all odds.

The choice is always yours to make. “You” have the right to make this choice everyday for yourself. No one else can choose this for you, this is all “You”.

So what are you going to choose today?

4. Don’t let other’s define “You”

If you constantly live your life for your Dad, Mom, Sisters, Brothers, Wife, Husband, Kids, Grandparents, Friends, etc… “YOU” will never be happy in this life. Period.

I don’t care what any of them tell you or say about you. If “you” don’t define who you are and what you stand for in this life you will never live your life.

This is your life, grab it by the horns and own your life. Stand for something or die for nothing it’s “your”choice, but don’t you ever forget that which ever way you decide to go it was “your” choice. You are responsible for “you”.

Is this going to be hard? YES!!

Are people going to try and hold you down and want to keep you at their level? YES!!

Stand up, think for yourself, let your voice be heard, make a difference in your life and the lives of others around you, change the world if that is what you want to do, but don’t you ever let anyone but“you” define who you are.

5. Don’t expect anything from anyone but yourself

When it comes to getting what you want in life you are the only one you can truly count on in life.

When it comes to what can make you happy in life, only you can ever make yourself truly happy.

If you think other people or other things are going to bring you happiness or the things you want in life, you are just plain wrong. Know this to be true, and you will already be further ahead in this life than most of the people you talk to everyday.

Remember always “The only person or thing you are trying to be better than in this life is the person you were yesterday”.

6. Never quit on yourself

Basic human fact… People will quit on you. We are only human and there is only so much any person can take.

That being said and with this new knowledge why would you ever quit on yourself? Your right there is no reason to ever quit on yourself. None!!

I don’t care how bad it gets, I don’t care how alone you feel, I don’t care if everyone tells you that they don’t like you and wish you would die, Don’t You Ever Quit On Yourself!! At those times (and they will happen) you look yourself in the mirror and repeat this as you stare at yourself in your own eyes.

“I will not quit on you ever!! I will not quit today or any other day!! This will not stop me!! I am here for a reason and I still have work to do!! I will not quit on you ever!!”

Say it until you have tears in your eyes. Say it until you’re angry. Say it until its a mantra and you can hear it in your mind without having to say it out loud. Say it until you believe it, and know what you are saying is true. Not only to your mind, but also to your heart, and soul.

“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be       sunshine.” – Jack Ma

7. Keep things simple

Why do we always have to make things so complicated? Who knows the answer to that question? I’ve often pondered that very question in my life and to be completely honest with you I don’t have the answer.

What I do know though is that any time you can break something down into smaller simpler pieces in your life do yourself a favor and do it. You would be surprised at how much stress and pressure in your life would just go away if you strive to make things simpler in your life.

8. When in doubt, take action

Some action is always better than no action at all. Most of us get stuck in life because we get wrapped up in this or that and once we get wrapped up in something we tend to forget to make any movement or any progress.

If you’re scared of something take action to overcome that fear.

Don’t get stuck in life just because you are scared or refuse to take action. If you feel you should take action or think you should take action then do it.

9. Planning and taking action will help you destroy your fears

We all have fears and anyone who tells you they don’t is just plain lying to you, but how do you overcome your fears, thats the million dollar question.

One way I’ve found to overcome my fears is to plan before hand what actions I will take when I’m afraid of something so that when that fear arises I don’t have to sit and think or ponder about what I’m going to do I already know exactly what I’m going to do. This often allows me to overcome my fear with out being paralyzed by the fear itself.

Believe in yourself, make a plan, then take action when it’s time.

10. Who has more “Heart” than you… No One

This is just plain and simple. No matter what anyone tells you or what happens to you in your life remember this always.

Heart is what gets you out of bed in the morning when everyone else is still sleeping. Heart is what makes you get back up when you’ve been knocked down by life. Heart is what makes you look the doubters in the face and say “I Can, And I Will”. Heart is what separates the lions from the sheep in this life.

It’s “Your” choice to choose.

Starting today will you be a lion or a sheep?

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